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On Thursday 20th January 2022, four stakeholder groups, OFA, CENSAG, TESCOM and TAIN visited the Principal of the College in turns for brief interactions in a very amicable and congenial atmosphere.

The main objective was to afford these groups the opportunity to meet and interact with the Principal for the first time after her recent assumption of duty.

The first group, Old Franciscans Association (OFA) on staff, were grateful to have met the Principal. They shared particularly their concern about the encroachment of Franco lands which in recent times was getting out of hand. The principal noted their concerns and expressed her gratitude for their allegiance to their alma mater. She indicated that she would need their unflinching support to put a lasting solution to the encroachment of the school land. She agreed that there was an urgent need for the school to put a stop to the encroachment issues.

On the other hand, the second group which was the Colleges of Education Non-Teaching Staff Association of Ghana(CENTSAG) said their mission was to officially welcome the Principal and to extend their hand of support go her in order to achieve the noble vision she has for the school.

The two last groups; Tertiary Students Confederacy (TESCON), the student wing of the New Patriotic Party(NPP) and the youth wing of the National Democratic Congress(NDC) which is the National Secretariat of Tertiary Education (TEIN) also had their time of interaction. The Principal acknowledged the two politically affiliated groups, TESCON and TEIN and indicated that they served as mentorship platforms. She therefore requested the two groups to present their annual program of activities by February so that their activities would be harmonized between them and also with that of the college to prevent clashes.

Being politically affiliated groups, she admonished them to be tolerant and law abiding and prevent any activities that would oppose the peaceful environment we enjoy as a college.  She was very resolute in her stand that she will not tolerate activities that would lead to conflict that would impact negatively on the peace and security of the college.

 The Principal also enumerated l to the four groups, the expectations of the college to them. She shared her vision and called for their individual support to achieve them in order to make Franco an enviable community.  The four stakeholder groups had very fruitful discussions with the Principal.

Hohoe (V/R), Feb. 10, GNA – Mr Raphael K. Kwashie, Principal of the St. Francis College of Education (FRANCO), Hohoe has entreated students to make prudent use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) tools to change their status, especially their academic lives.