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St. Francis College of Education Organizes a One day Workshop for Teachers, on the National Teachers’ Standards(NTS) for Ghana.

A total number of forty-six(46) teachers from the St. Francis Demonstration Basic school were trained on the National Teachers’ Standard (NTS) for Ghana.
The workshop which took place at the old assembly hall of the St. Francis College of Education on 7th February, 2020, started at exactly 9am.

This was an initiative by the Deputy coordinator of Supported Teaching in Schools (STS), Mr. Ambrose Ayikue and the College Secretary, Mr. Clement Kantam Kolamong.

The essence of the workshop was to equip teachers with knowledge in the three basic areas of the Teachers’ Standards; Professional Values and Attitudes, Professional Knowledge and Professional Practice.

Mr. Clement Kantam Kolamong who co-facilitated in the training program, explained in his opening speech that, there were diversities of standards in the training of teachers, due to the different training entities. As a result, there was the need to consolidate all forms of training, hence the birth of National Teachers’ Standards (NTS). “The introduction of NTS is to enable teacher educators to direct their efforts appropriately to the areas teachers need most support”, he added.

According to him, NTS served as a reference tool for all stakeholders, therefore its consistency in teaching standards would help students fit into both pre-tertiary and tertiary training reforms.

Mr. Ayikue who took most part of the sessions, entreated the teachers to engage positively with their colleagues, learners, parents, School Management Committees, Parent Teacher Associations, and wider public as part of community practice. He urged teachers to also upgrade themselves with the relevant knowledge and skills and equally get abrest with the new curriculum.

Among other presentations, teachers were admonished to employ variety of instructional strategies that encourage students participation and critical thinking, pay attention to all learners especially girls and students with Special Educational Needs, ensuring their progress and also integrate a variety of assessment modes into teaching to support learning.

The headmaster of the St. Francis Demonstration Basic School, expressed gratitude on behalf of his staff to the Principal of the College, Mr. Raphael Kodzo Kwashie and Management, for their proactive leadership skills.

The facilitators expressed their desire and passion to organize and train more teachers in the municipality if needed resources and support are available.